This is a "Work In Progress", check back for updates to your family from time to time as I work through cemetery transcripts and newspapers. This database now includes a Search Facility to enable you to quickly find persons of interest.
All State BDM's are now included so if your Brays were born, married or died in Australia before the various state privacy cut off dates, you should find them here! I welcome your corrections or additions as my aim is to have this database as complete and accurate as possible. For privacy reasons, details of living people have been supressed, however, I may have more recent family information in my database. This information will only be passed on to other close family members. Where date of death is not known a span of 100 years has been enforced. You may find the same person listed more than once for different life events. This occurs when I have not been able to fully identify the individual due to a common first name. I would appreciate being informed when an instance of this is found so that I can correct it.
We have a Y-DNA Surname Project on Family Tree DNA's web site and I encourage all male Brays who have tested to join this project. I also encourage those Bray men who have not yet tested to please consider this and join our project. The more results we have the better opportunity we will have of identifying the origin of the various Bray families.
PLEASE NOTE: Except for my own family lines, this data was mainly compiled from indexes and lists such as State BDMs and Cemetery Transcripts. Information has also been supplied by many other researchers and I am very grateful for their support, their contributions are acknowleged in the list of sources. Thanks again to all of you. Therefore this information MUST be treated as a guide only and you should verify all information found here.
The use of Before or After Event Dates. - I have inserted these dates for all events where actual dates are not yet known and they are NOT meant to imply actual dates. This has been done purely to act as a guide for me when researching as I often have many people with the same name. Where an approximate date is known from a source I use circa (c).